This week’s reminders

Tomorrow the SRC will be selling off surplus canteen items at lunch time. If you are interested in purchasing any treats, please brings some cash with you.

Immunizations for grade 6’s will take place this Friday (December 9th)

If anyone has extra magazines lying around their house and would like to donate them to our class for our art projects, please send them down with your children (school appropriate of course). THANK YOU SO MUCH!


Good morning everyone!

Here are some quick announcements and reminders for the coming week:

Second Immunization forms have been sent out. Please fill them out and return them to the school ASAP.

C.R.E.A.T.E. artist will be coming to visit our class once again on Monday morning.

United Way pizza luncheon November 25th. Forms have been sent home.

Survey consent forms sent home

Rainbow Dance November 23rd. Tickets are 2 dollars.



Good evening everyone!


Quick reminder that tomorrow our class will be heading to the U of R for the Youth Ballet performance. Our bus will be leaving at 12:30 sharp. If your child goes home for lunch, please make sure they’re back at school by 12:15. Students may go to Mr. Boutilier’s room during this time while they wait for bus load-in time.

Thank you, and I hope you all have a great evening!


Mr. Araneda

This week’s announcements and reminders

This week’s dictee can be found in the link below:



Please remember that we will be going to the U of R on Thursday, November 17th at 12:30 to the Youth Ballet performance. If you haven’t signed the permission slip and sent the $6.50 bus/performance fee, please do so ASAP.


Our C.R.E.A.T.E. artist will be coming for their second visit on Monday. The students had the pleasure of working with our CREATE artist TOBY  COUGAR on Monday morning, making artist trading cards. We’re all looking forward to his second visit next week.


Announcements and messages

Good morning everyone,

I would just like to begin by saying that it was an absolute pleasure meeting all of the new parents I hadn’t met yet on Friday for our goal setting conferences. I’m really proud of the work my students did on their goals and I look forward to seeing all the great things they accomplish throughout the year. Thanks for everyone who came by, I appreciate it!

Reminders and announcements

No school this Thursday, November 10th (PD day) and Friday, November 11th (Remembrance Day)

No French test this week. We will be blogging instead.

Please fill out permission slips and send fees back to school for the Youth Baller performance (Nov. 17th), ASAP.

The C.R.E.A.T.E. artist will be visiting our class on November 14th, 21st and 28th to create some interesting visual art projects. If you are wondering what the C.R.E.A.T.E. program is, click here for more information.



Good afternoon everyone, here are some quick reminders for the weekend:


Conferences next week on Friday, November 4th. Conference sheets were sent home yesterday. Please fill them out and return to the school by Monday at the latest.

Remembrance Day assembly November 8th at 10:30 am.

Any outstanding school fees must be returned to the school ASAP. Please remember that you can pay online for all school fees.

Ballet/dance performance forms and fees must be returned to school ASAP. Thank you!

Good luck to all our debaters today for the school-wide debate event tonight!


This week’s announcements!

Good morning everyone!

I just noticed that I had two blog posts that didn’t get posted on the site from last week and yesterday, my biggest apologies!


Student Photo Retakes are taking place tomorrow throughout the day.


This week’s dictee will amalgamate both this week and last week’s tests. Please remind students to review their articles. This week’s test will cover “the silent generation” and “the baby boomers”. Today, we listened to some famous baby boomer artists including the Ramones, Billy Idol and Madonna. Although most of the kids didn’t know who these artists were, they all recognized the songs we listened to.


Conferences will be held November 4th.


Remembrance Day assembly November 8th at 10:30 am.


This week’s Dictée

This week`s dictée will be focusing on generations; “the silent generation” to be precise. We had a long discussion about the implications of growing up in different times and how it would contrast with our present way of life. We will continue to explore other generations in the coming weekly french quizzes.

For those who would like an electronic copy, please click the link below to download the file:


Quick reminder!

Good evening everyone!

It completely slipped my mind to post about our math quiz this Friday. We are currently working on equations and variables. The quiz will include questions such as:

5n – 4

2s + 15

Students will be required to replace the variable with a value provided by me.


Another quick reminder that students must hand in their french writing composition (this week’s dictee) on their blogs. So far, I have about half the class’ handed in. Please remember students, you can use Google Docs from any computer or device that has access to wifi.


I hope this is helpful. Good luck everyone and have yourselves a great night!


Mr. A

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